Endings — 48 of 70

John Byrd

Release 1

Part 3 - Joyous Kitchen

Part 4 - Joyous Hallway

Part 5 - Joyous Bathroom

Part 6 - Joyous Bedroom

Book 3 - Tragic


Your mission, in order to get out the door, is to do several tasks that will arouse you enough to make it through the day.

In order not to make this game too depressing, we have to revel a little bit in doing all these disgusting things to overcome the depression of surviving the morning. So we have to torture the player a little bit -- by that, we mean every successful action is painful, gross or demeaning, not simply stupid in the fail-to-parse sense.

Shitty things to do:

Take a cold shower. You can be wearing clothing when you take a shower. Everything you're wearing becomes sopping wet and you must change your clothes again. Sopping clothes dry in an hour, or if you put them in the oven for five minutes. (If you put clothing

Put on clothing.

Make coffee using the coffee filter in the waste basket.

Eat one of the disgusting foods from the fridge and vomit.

You can commit suicide in here. If so, you will lose all timeless items (if any) and pass on to the next level.]