Cars burning, smashed store windows, rubble and twisted metal
            cover the blue, moonlit streets.  Brick buildings have
            collapsed; a distant air raid siren goes ignored.  We DOLLY
            through the destruction; a too-familiar Metropolis has been

            We've heard his voice a thousand times before.  His deep
            voice chills us, same as always.

                                FAMILIAR ANNOUNCER GUY
                      In a world where there is no justice...
                      in a world where terror is the only

            We take a turn down a blind alley.  In front of a dumpster,
            underneath a single, naked streetlight, we can dimly make out
            our HERO at the end.  He's facing away from us, and his left
            hand holds up an AKM assault rifle.

                                FAMILIAR ANNOUNCER GUY (CONT'D)
                      Only one man can save the world.

            Our HERO turns around to face us, and we've scared the hell
            out of him!  Oops... we seem to have caught him pissing on a
            dumpster.  And we know this guy...

                                CHRIS ROCK
                      Man, can't you let a brotha have a little


            CHRIS ROCK is pointing a semiautomatic pistol at an Arab. 
            The Arab is pointing a ROCKET LAUNCHER at Chris's chest;
            Chris is outgunned by a mile!

                                FAMILIAR ANNOUNCER GUY
                      Chris Rock!

                                CHRIS ROCK
                      Put down the nuclear weapon and I won't
                      have to kill myself!

                      No, I'm supposed to kill you... 

            Chris sticks the PISTOL into his own mouth.

                                CHRIS ROCK
                      I seg, pug gown ga mooclear weffon,
                      muvver fugger!

            INT. MISSILE SILO -DAY

            Chris Rock and EDDIE MURPHY worry over a nuclear warhead.  A
            patch panel is open; a red glowing DISPLAY reads 00:57 and
            counting.  Rock holds a pair of pliers over the patch panel;
            he's ready to operate.

                                EDDIE MURPHY
                      Don't!  Cut the green wire!

                                CHRIS ROCK
                      Don't cut the green wire?!  You mean cut
                      the red wire!

            Rock reaches for the red wire!

                                EDDIE MURPHY

            Rock gives up on trying to cut wire, and instead he goes for
            Eddie Murphy's NOSE with the pliers.  Eddie Murphy REACTS.

                                EDDIE MURPHY (CONT'D)
                      Ow, ow, ow, owooooo!

            EXT. DESERT SANDS -DAY

            The blazing sun pounds on Chris Rock.  He's wearing a turban
            and long white robes.  He's talking to a superspy two-way
            COMMUNICATOR on his wrist.  A four-star GENERAL scowls on the
            communicator.  His face looks awfully familiar too...

                                GEORGE C. SCOTT
                      You've got exactly forty-eight minutes to
                      get in, disarm the weapons, and get to
                      cover before we launch every nuclear
                      weapon we've got!

                                CHRIS ROCK
                      What'choo talking 'bout, Willis?


            SALMA HAYEK is here, giving Chris Rock the once-over.  She
            looks like a million bucks in a form-fitting military

                                FAMILIAR ANNOUNCER GUY
                      Salma Hayek!

                                SALMA HAYEK
                      Is that a box-cutter in your pocket, or
                      are you just happy to see me?

            Chris Rock looks out of frame at his pants, and REACTS.

                                CHRIS ROCK
                      Whoa!  At ease, privates!

            INT. MISSILE SILO

            EDDIE MURPHY, barehanded, is facing an Arab armed with the
            scariest-looking scimitar in seven countries.  The Arab
            SCREAMS, bearing down on Murphy, with his scimitar raised
            high overhead.

                                FAMILIAR ANNOUNCER GUY
                      Eddie Murphy!

            At the last minute, Eddie grabs the TURBAN on the Arab's
            head, and pulls it down over his eyes.  The Arab freezes dead
            in his tracks.

                      AAAAAAAAAH... huh?


                                FAMILIAR ANNOUNCER GUY


            A long-range NUCLEAR MISSILE wobbles precariously, stacked
            crosswise on another missile.  Chris Rock dodges a close
            KNIFE SWING by JUMPING ON the teetering missile.  He runs
            from the base of the missile to the tip.  The Arab TRIES TO
            FOLLOW, but can't get his footing.  Chris Rock jumps with
            both feet on the tip of the missile.  The missile's butt end
            swings up and catches the Arab right in the jimmies!  CU on
            the Arab's face, as he lets out a perfect soprano C-sharp.