To the best of my knowledge, I was never specifically abused by any professional dairy workers. Really I can’t explain what this means, other than to say that I think those white trucks are really scary.
Love ain't just runnin away from lonely
To the best of my knowledge, I was never specifically abused by any professional dairy workers. Really I can’t explain what this means, other than to say that I think those white trucks are really scary.
There’s an excellent scene in Scorcese’s After Hours involving a bloodthirsty mob led by Mr. Softee.
Mmmm… Bomb Pops.
I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats! Speaking of movies, check out Wong Kar Wai’s "Fallen Angels" to see a scary ice cream man. He forces his "client" to eat all the ice cream in the truck. Great movie, natch.