Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.

               NOTE: Except for the words "Hey" and "Baby," every single
               word the guys say is pure jibberish!  Don't subtitle or
               otherwise break into English.

                                                             FADE IN:

               EXT. WORK SITE - DAY

               Four hard-hat construction workers on a scaffolding,
               working with power tools and other equipment.  Below the
               scaffolding is a park bench.

                         Hey, enough of this screwing
                         around.  I need to take a break.

               The guys think.

                                   ALL THE GUYS
                         Huh huh huh huh huh!

               A cute young woman enters.  She's a bombshell direct out of
               1942: Rita Hayworth in killer heels.  Rita sits on the
               bench and fudges around in her purse.

                         Hey, guys, you gotta check this

                                   ALL THE GUYS
                         Huh, what, where?  Oh, yeah, down
                         there, I see, yeah...

               Rita pulls out some makeup and a compact mirror.  The guys


               Rita puts on makeup.

                         Hey.  Baby.

               Rita doesn't hear the guys.

                         Hey.  Baby.  Hey baby.

               Rita is oblivious.

                         Hey baby.

                         Haaaaayyyy.... Baby!

               To Rita, the guys don't exist.  She blots her lipstick,
               checks her nails, and fluffs her hair.

               The guys desperately want Rita's attention.  They wave
               their power tools, shouting Heybabyheybaby, but with no

               The guys completely lose it.

               They jump up and down, spin, grab their balls, hump the
               scaffolding, and generally turn into chimpanzees on bad
               acid.  Heybabyheybabyheybabybabybaby!

               Offstage, Rita sees the person she was waiting for.  She
               waves cheerfully, collects her stuff, and leaves.

               The guys collapse, whining, panting, exhausted.  They
               breathe heavily for ten seconds.

                         I think she likes us.

               The guys think.

                                   ALL THE GUYS
                         HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH!!!

               MUSIC OUTRO BY HOUSE BAND: "No Doubt - Hey Baby"

                                                       FADE TO BLACK.

Script created with Final Draft by Final Draft, Inc.